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Uncover Your Benefits

Uncover Your Benefits

by Jocel Alcedo | January 24th, 2023

Most of the people I do a complementary review for are surprised to find out they may have insurance benefits in their healthcare policy they're paying for but not using. Simply put, they don't know what their coverage covers.

For example, they may have coverage for over-the-counter medication, but have no idea they can get reimbursed for those purchases. That's why it's a prudent move to sit. down with me so I can review your current standing.  

I'll uncover all of the benefits you have coming to you under your plan, and help you understand how best to utilize them. And the best part is, there's no charge for my guidance.

I'll also take a look at your complete coverage situation. If you have a life insurance policy, for example, I'll help your make sure there aren't any holes and that what you're paying for is the right choice for your and your family.

Last year, many of us may have spent our days feeling vulnerable. If nothing else, we now understand the value of being prepared. That's why many people are taking a closer look at life insurance, disability and critical illness policies as a way to prepare themselves for life's unexpected events.

A lot of people are also seeing increases in deductibles and co-pays. As a licensed insurance and financial professional, I can offer solutions to help lessen the burden these might have on an already stressed family budget.

Get in Touch

If you want more information, send us a message, and we will contact you.